Sunday, February 27, 2011


Hiking: Runyon Canyon, Hollywood from zack brantley on Vimeo.


One of the worst days that I have had out here in Cali. Nothing today was going my way and even the company that I work for could not make the transfer for me out here. I called some friends I knew out here but know one was answering. I sat in my car for about 4 or so hours just trying to figure out my problems. No solutions...and nothing going on and nothing to do with any one to do it with. I was at my wits end and all most would rather die...:(

I had to do something. Finally my friend Nico that lives in Santa Monica calls me back and says "hey we were planing on going hiking today you wanna go" O my lord this is just what I needed to get my mind off of things! "YES" I said and the above video is what happened.


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