Monday, February 28, 2011

Glenoaks Canyon: Hike for the Sunset

Glenoaks Canyon: Sunset/ Cityscape from zoobum on Vimeo.


Im staying near Glendale, California.

They have this mountains (hills as they refer to them) near by. I have been wanting to hike them since I've been here.
Today was the day. Started out around 4pm and didn't get back to the house until around 7pm ish.

It was fun and I also got video of the trip. I wish you all could have seen the sites as I seen them. WOW what a view from here.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

I Have A Place To Live


So on the 25th I get a call back from one of the places I applied for. He doesn't really need me, but he needs my equipment and gear. Think God he found me by accident.


I met up with this guy, Gerald. Real nice fella and looks to be a good friend! haha.

He likes me and wants to work with me on the film. They are working on a short film thats going to be shot in 3d (this is a bonus for me because I want to learn 3d, and im going to get IMDB credit for the film). They had some bad luck with the cameras that they were going to use and now the T2I is going to be taking over with my help. They are on a tight schedule because it has already been accepted to a film festival. Yay

We met up and had coffee.
He set the dates and what we will be doing and all that.

Then He asked me where I was staying and I said Hollywood. He asked where in Hollywood and I said......well Im at starbucks right now!
He finally figured out that I was living out of my car and wanted to help! He told me he had a spare room and would let me stay there at a fair price.

He needed an extra day to set the room up.
Man Im I so glad to of met him. He has really taking me in like his own family.

He reminds me of my friend by home Warren. We share the same common interests and get along very well. Plus he has invited me into the family and live with them.
I think you both are great men and I admire that you would take care of someone like me!





Hiking: Runyon Canyon, Hollywood from zack brantley on Vimeo.


One of the worst days that I have had out here in Cali. Nothing today was going my way and even the company that I work for could not make the transfer for me out here. I called some friends I knew out here but know one was answering. I sat in my car for about 4 or so hours just trying to figure out my problems. No solutions...and nothing going on and nothing to do with any one to do it with. I was at my wits end and all most would rather die...:(

I had to do something. Finally my friend Nico that lives in Santa Monica calls me back and says "hey we were planing on going hiking today you wanna go" O my lord this is just what I needed to get my mind off of things! "YES" I said and the above video is what happened.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Venice Beach

zoobum in Venice! from zoobum on Vimeo.


Lets go back in time again shall we..."Laughs"

It was Sunday and I was on the board walk of Venice beach, watching all that there was to watch!

Just before the video filmed above, I was on the phone w/ Kirk and he twisted my arm to make this blog!

Now Here it is!

You now know who to thank! :)


Current Day


Today I had an interview with a company in film, nothing promising and really doesn't sound great at all.
Now I'm at McDonald's soaking up some wifi. Still looking for a place to live and hope it happens fast.

*Note: When moving find a place 1st to move into instead of just moving.

Im going to sleep in the car again tonight I think!

Until something else happens,

LAX from zack brantley on Vimeo.

2-19-2011 Going back in time....until I get up to date!

This morning I left the hotel that Adam and I were staying at near Compton, yup thats right Compton!
Headed to LAX so Adam could make it back home in time to get to work.

After he was dropped off, I decided to stop at this near by park to catch some airplane footage.

Above is what I got.


Stephen Hurley @ Venice Beach Skate Park from zack brantley on Vimeo.

2-20-2011 Continued...

So after riding around the beach I headed back up to the skate park to see if it had died down a bit!


There were less people than before! Now I can bust out some gnarly trickies for all the kiddies, so I thought?

As I was working on a frontside 5-0 grind near the Taco Bell Humps, someone yells out my name
Who knows me here?
What do you know an old friend from back home! Stephen Hurley.
Wow, 2k plus miles away and an old friend from back home is here at this park. CRAZY!

He was riding some crappy old short board and needed a fix! I let him borrow mine to throw down the dirty!
The above footage is just a sample of what we got.
All and All it was a good day!


Venice Beach, Cali from zack brantley on Vimeo.


Today I went down to Venice Beach, Cali.

I dont care who you are there is something down here for everyone! :)
You can people watch for hours and to me that is one of my most favorite hobbies!
I originally came here to skateboard, but the park was way too crowded at the time.

Plan B- I had my Go Pro with me to record at the park, so I decided to strap it to the bike and shoot some footage of me just riding around so that the world could see this awesome, weird, and amusing spectacle here at Venice.

This place kinda reminds me of Malory Square down in Key West. If you have never been, I deff. recommend it!!!
People from all over showcase there street talent, art, music, etc.

Sunday is the most packed of days and in my opinion, the best day to go!

-To be continued with the original plan of coming here to Venice!


Venice Beach, Cali from zack brantley on Vimeo.


Today I went down to Venice Beach, Cali.

I dont care who you are there is something down here for everyone! :)
You can people watch for hours and to me that is one of my most favorite hobbies!
I originally came here to skateboard, but the park was way too crowded at the time.

Plan B- I had my Go Pro with me to record at the park, so I decided to strap it to the bike and shoot some footage of me just riding around so that the world could see this awesome, weird, and amusing spectacle here at Venice.

This place kinda reminds me of Malory Square down in Key West. If you have never been, I deff. recommend it!!!
People from all over showcase there street talent, art, music, etc.

Sunday is the most packed of days and in my opinion, the best day to go!

-To be continued with the original plan of coming here to Venice!
